Middle of a sprint

Here are some commonly asked questions about this topic.

What is a daily standup?

The Daily standup is a brief 15-minute daily check-in for the Scrum team to do three things:

  1. Inspects the previous day's work.
  2. Plans the current day’s work. 
  3. Identifies any barriers to getting things done. 

It’s called a standup because it’s so short you don’t need to sit down.

Learn how to keep your team in sync with a daily standup. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Continue exploring:
What is a daily standup?

What is scrum backlog refinement?

During the backlog refinement session, the team previews upcoming work to ensure the following:

  • Outcomes are clearly defined.
  • Supporting information is visible.
  • Resources are accessible.

There is flexibility for when to hold the backlog refinement session.

Learn more about how to run a backlog refinement session. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Continue exploring:
What is scrum backlog refinement?

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